NOTICE: The outage planned for Cornwall and surrounding areas originally scheduled for this evening has been rescheduled to Friday, November 1. 

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NOTICE: The outage planned for Cornwall and surrounding areas originally scheduled for this evening has been rescheduled to Friday, November 1. 

NOTICE: We are currently experiencing an outage of our phone system due to the global IT outage. We are working closely with our provider on a solution. Until the issue is resolved, customers can reach us by calling 902-629-3740 or 902-629-3644 or by emailing

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NOTICE: We are currently experiencing an outage of our phone system due to the global IT outage. We are working closely with our provider on a solution. Until the issue is resolved, customers can reach us by calling 902-629-3740 or 902-629-3644 or by emailing

Electric Vehicles

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Purchasing an electric vehicle (EV) is just one way that Islanders can help support more sustainable transportation. EVs are powered by electricity that is stored in a battery, meaning they don’t produce emissions like a car with a gasoline or diesel-powered engine. Today’s EVs can travel 200+ km on a single charge and with public charging stations becoming increasingly popular, you will always have a place to stop and charge up! For a list of EVs available to purchase in Canada, visit Plug’n Drive’s website.

Government incentives

Please note:
Visit the Government of PEI and Government of Canada websites for the most up to date information. 

  • You will reduce your fuel costs because it is cheaper to charge an EV battery compared to purchasing a tank of gasoline or diesel.

  • You will no longer have to stand in the cold to fill your gas tank! Charging your EV at home is very convenient.

  • You will no longer need to have your oil changed.

  • Reduced emissions mean improved air quality in our communities.

  • EVs are quieter which helps reduce noise pollution.

  • EVs have a regenerative braking process, meaning when you brake the energy is returned to the batteries instead of wasted in the vehicle’s braking system. This results in EVs having less maintenance requirements than vehicles with gasoline or diesel-powered engines.
Things to consider before purchasing an EV
  • As with any car, you’ll want to consider the size, the number of seats, and any other features you may want (like AWD).

  • Test drive different models to find the right fit for you. EVs tend to have quicker acceleration and improved handling as compared to their gasoline counterparts. Be careful not to fall in love on your first test drive, there are lots of different models to try.

  • The battery capacity significantly impacts the cost, so consider the range carefully. Additionally, range can decrease based on driving habits or during colder temperatures, so be sure to consider this during your selection process.

  • You will want to research vehicle service options. EVs are becoming more common but your favourite mechanic may not be set up to service your new EV, meaning your only option may be the dealership.

  • At home EV chargers typically require a 240-volt plug (similar to a clothes dryer) and 16 to 40 amps of current. This may require electrical upgrades to your home at the plug in location. 

EV Charging Stations on PEI

There are three types of EV charging stations

There are three types of EV charging stations:

1. Level 1 chargers are the slowest and are equivalent to a standard wall outlet charger (between 110-120 volts). It would take more than a full day to fully charge an EV with a Level 1 charger.

2. Level 2 chargers use a 240 volt system, which is the same voltage required by a standard oven or clothes dryer. You can get a full charge within 6-8 hours.

3. Level 3 chargers (DC Fast Chargers or DCFC) are the quickest way to charge your EV and use a 480 volt DC system avoiding the vehicle’s inverter. They can provide up to 150 km of range in 30 minutes.

Many EV owners program their vehicle to charge overnight instead of during the day because electricity generated at night time is typically cleaner and greener. If you’re a homeowner, the charger’s location can impact the installation cost. The free charger supplied by the government of PEI for qualifying EVs requires a 240-volt plug (similar to a clothes dryer) and 16 to 40 amps of current. This may require electrical upgrades to your home. 

If you’re not a homeowner, discuss charging options with your landlord or investigate public charging options near you. There are many charging stations located across PEI- including a Level 2 charging station in front of our office at 180 Kent Street in Charlottetown. Plus, we’ve partnered with nine Island communities to install 50 new level 2 chargers across PEI in 2021: Alberton, Charlottetown, Cornwall, Miltonvale Park, Morell, Resort Municipality, Stratford, St. Peters Bay, and Three Rivers. ChargeHub maintains a map of charging stations around the world. Check the map below or download their App to find an EV station near you.

Disclaimer: This map is generated by ChargeHub and is shared here for information purposes only. It is not the responsibility of Maritime Electric.