NOTICE: The outage planned for Cornwall and surrounding areas originally scheduled for this evening has been rescheduled to Friday, November 1. 

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NOTICE: The outage planned for Cornwall and surrounding areas originally scheduled for this evening has been rescheduled to Friday, November 1. 

NOTICE: We are currently experiencing an outage of our phone system due to the global IT outage. We are working closely with our provider on a solution. Until the issue is resolved, customers can reach us by calling 902-629-3740 or 902-629-3644 or by emailing

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NOTICE: We are currently experiencing an outage of our phone system due to the global IT outage. We are working closely with our provider on a solution. Until the issue is resolved, customers can reach us by calling 902-629-3740 or 902-629-3644 or by emailing

Rates and General Rules and Regulations

* Effective March 1, 2022


Purpose of this Document

The purpose of this document is to define the scope and application of General Rules and Regulations and electricity rates for the Maritime Electric Company, Limited (hereafter called Maritime Electric) service areas in the Province of Prince Edward Island.

Maritime Electric is required, by the Electric Power Act, to file with the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission a Tariff of Rates for the provision of service and the terms and conditions and ancillary charges Maritime Electric has established for any service to be performed within the Province of Prince Edward Island. Until the Tariff of Rates and/or the terms and conditions and ancillary charges are modified, altered or amended, as provided under the Electric Power Act, they will remain in effect as filed.


This document is intended for the following audiences:

  • Customers of Maritime Electric
  • Maritime Electric Employees

This Rate Schedule and the General Rules and Regulations and the latest authorized edition of the Canadian Electrical Code, and any amendments or additions thereto made from time to time, shall apply to all electrical installations connected to and supplied from the Utility's power system.

Effective Date

Unless otherwise indicated, this Rate Schedule and the General Rules and Regulations are effective February 28, 2022.

Definitions of Terms

Definitions: A to C


A record of a customer's business transactions with Maritime Electric for electricity consumed and services rendered.

Apartment Building

Three or more self-contained dwelling units each having a separate entrance from a common hallway, lobby or stairway.


Any person who applies or on whose behalf an application is made for any service provided by Maritime Electric (i.e., a potential customer).

Billing Period

The period of time for which a customer is billed for services provided by Maritime Electric.

Business Partner

A natural person or legal entity with whom Maritime Electric has a business relationship. This can be an individual, an organization or group and can include a prospective customer.


"Commission" means the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission, constituted pursuant to the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. I-1.1.


A building used primarily for public worship.

Construction Charge

Maritime Electric's total cost of extending its facilities less any facility allowances prescribed in these General Rules and Regulations.

Contract Account

One or more contracts grouped together which set the terms and conditions of Maritime Electric's relationship with a Business Partner.


An individual, partnership, organization, corporation, institution or business that is receiving or has received electrical energy or electrical services in Prince Edward Island from Maritime Electric.

Customer Facilities

All facilities beyond the delivery point provided, owned and maintained by the customer (excluding Metering Equipment).

Definitions: D to M

Delivery Point

The place defined by Maritime Electric at which the customer's facilities and Maritime Electric's facilities are connected. Delivery point is more specifically defined in Section K - Connection of Customer Facilities, Delivery Point.

Distribution System

All interests in land, structures, lines, transformers and other facilities employed between the transmission system and the delivery point of the customer.


A private suite of rooms used for living purposes in which the occupants have free access to all rooms.


Any extension to Maritime Electric's facilities.


A farm is a holding on which agricultural operations are carried out. Agricultural operations include the production of field crops including grain, vegetables, seed and forage crops; animal and dairy products including milk, cream, eggs, meat and poultry products, poultry hatcheries, nurseries and greenhouses for the production of crops or bedding plants, fur farms, apiaries, fish hatcheries and fish farms.

A farm may be operated by the operator's labour alone or with the assistance of members of the household or hired employees, or it may be operated by a partnership, corporation or other organization. 

General Service

Rate categories for customers who use electricity for all purposes other than those specifically covered under the Residential, Industrial, Street Lighting or Unmetered Service classes.

Industrial Service

Rate categories for customers who use electricity chiefly for manufacturing, assembly or processing of goods, or the extraction of raw materials.


The service pole with the delivery point attached.

Metering Equipment

Meters and associated equipment, approved by Measurement Canada (or such other authority as may be from time to time charged with such responsibility), required for measuring demand and/or energy supplied to the customer.

Metering Point

The place specified by Maritime Electric at which power and energy supplied to a premises are measured.

Maritime Electric Facilities

The generation, transmission and distribution systems up to the delivery point, together with the metering equipment provided, owned and maintained by Maritime Electric.

Definitions: N to Z

Overhead Secondary Service

Overhead secondary cables or conductors, together with their supports, extending from Maritime Electric's overhead distribution system to the delivery point.


One of the following:

  • A complete building such as an office building, factory or house;
  • Part of a building such as a suite of offices in an office building or an apartment in an apartment building; the part of the building occupied must be adjoining and not include any space uncontrolled by the customer; or
  • A group of buildings served by one electric service considered as one customer for billing purposes.

Principal Residence

The dwelling used most of the time by a customer in a year.

Rate Category

Grouping of Customers to which a specific rate schedule applies; e.g., Residential - Rural, Residential - Urban.

Rental Facilities

Those facilities provided, owned and maintained by Maritime Electric for which the customer pays a rental charge.

Residential Service

Rate categories for domestic use, use in churches and farms.


Any Service(s) provided by the Company pursuant to these General Rules and Regulations.

Special Care Establishment

Premises used exclusively for the care of the elderly or disabled.

Standard Industrial Classification (S.I.C.)

The standard coding system implemented by the Government of Canada for arranging the total of the national economic production by similar industries known as producing units. A system for arranging producing units into industries is known as an industrial classification. Maritime Electric uses the Standard Industrial Classification coding to assign the appropriate rate category to a customer.

Temporary Facilities

Temporary facilities are Maritime Electric facilities that are not expected to remain in place for the duration of their normal life cycle.

Underground Secondary Service

Customer owned underground secondary cables or conductors extending from the delivery point to the customer's service entrance.

Authority and Contracts


Maritime Electric is regulated by the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission ("IRAC") under the provision of the Electric Power Act.  These General Rules and Regulations, as approved or amended by IRAC, set out the rules, charges, rates and tolls for the provision of Service to the Company's Customers on Prince Edward Island.

By accepting Service from Maritime Electric under the applicable terms, conditions and rate schedules set out in this document, the Customer has contracted with Maritime Electric to comply with all applicable terms and conditions as set out herein.

Provision of Service

Initiation of Service

An account is set up in the name of the Applicant(s) when service is required. The Applicant(s) must be the owner(s) or occupants(s) of the Premise for which service is required. The Applicant(s), when required by the Company, shall provide proof of their identity. Maritime Electric will, as promptly as practicable, provide service in accordance with these General Rules and Regulations. Electric service will be provided if the installation satisfies the requirements of these General Rules and Regulations and the requirements issued by the Planning and Inspection Services Division of the Province of Prince Edward Island.

An account may be transferred to the Applicant at no charge if the applicant accepts responsibility for payment of any billed or unbilled Services for that account as of the last scheduled meter reading date. In all other cases, an additional meter reading is required and the applicant is charged for the transfer of service. Fees charged for connections and reconnections are detailed in Section O - Fees and Charges, Service Call Fees and Connection and Reconnection Charges.

Refusal of Service

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Maritime Electric reserves the right to refuse to provide or continue to provide Service where:

  • the Applicant, when requested to do so by the Company, fails or refuses to complete an application for Service;
  • the Applicant provides false or misleading information on the application of Service;
  • the Applicant is not the owner or an occupant of the premises to be served or being served;
  • such Service would or does interfere with Maritime Electric's electrical Service to other customers or Maritime Electric's own equipment;
  • there are safety concerns at the premises to be served or being served;
  • Service would contravene law, including orders or regulations of lawfully constituted public agencies;
  • the Applicant/Customer refuses to pay any required security deposit;
  • the Applicant/Customer fails to provide acceptable access to the service entrance equipment. Note: By special arrangement a key box, approved by the Utility, may be installed which shall contain the necessary key to gain access to metering equipment;
  • the person applying for electrical service is an agent for another person, and that other person has an outstanding electric service account and satisfactory arrangements for settlement have not been made;
  • the Applicant or the owner of the premises to be served or being served has an outstanding bill for any Service provided by the Company which is not paid in full 30 days or more after being issued; or
  • the Applicant does not pay the required fee under, or otherwise fails to comply with any of, these General Rules and Regulations.
Obligations of Customer

If Maritime Electric's facilities or rental facilities on the customer's premises are damaged by other than ordinary wear and tear, the customer will pay Maritime Electric the charges associated with repairing or replacing these facilities.


All applicants or customers requesting Industrial Service with an expected load of 750 kW or more are required to sign a contract. The contract must include the name, signature and title of the applicant's signing officer and the corporate seal if applicable.

Accessibility to Maritime Electric Owned Equipment on Customer's Premise

The Customer shall provide Maritime Electric with space and cleared rights-of-way on private property for any lines or facilities required to serve the Customer.  Further, when deemed necessary by Maritime Electric, the Customer shall allow the Company to trim all trees in close proximity to Service lines in order to maintain the lines in a safe manner.

Maritime Electric shall have the right to enter the premises of the customer at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspecting, meter reading, maintenance or replacement of Maritime Electric facilities or rental equipment and the application of Maritime Electric's rates schedules, General Rules and Regulations. The Customer shall not unreasonably interfere with Maritime Electric's access to its property.  In addition, the Customer shall not erect any buildings or obstructions on, or alter the grade of, any of the Company's easements or rights-of-way.

When suitable arrangements cannot be made for the Customer's meter to be periodically read at the normal reading time, Maritime Electric may require modifications to the metering facilities. The cost of such modifications shall be borne by the Customer.

All equipment and facilities provided by Maritime Electric will remain the property of the Company unless otherwise agreed to in writing.  Unless otherwise authorized by Maritime Electric, only authorized employees and agents of Maritime Electric shall be allowed to make any repairs or adjustments to any Maritime Electric equipment facilities, easements or rights-of-ways.  The Customer shall be held responsible for any costs or damages caused by tampering or interfering with or restricting access to Maritime Electric's equipment or facilities installed on the customer's premises or its easements and rights-of-way.

Security Deposits

Deposit Requirements

A security deposit, when required, must be paid before service is provided.


A security deposit is not required from:

  • Customers who have no history of arrears for the most recent 12 consecutive month period on another Maritime Electric account in their name;
  • An Applicant or Customer who supplies a credit reference from another electric utility substantiating a history of no arrears in the most recent 12 consecutive month period on the account in their name;
  • Municipal, Provincial or Federal Government agencies; or
  • Publicly owned schools and hospitals.
Forms of Deposits

Security deposits may be in the form of cash, letters of credit from Chartered Canadian Banks or Trust Companies, bearer bonds guaranteed by either the Government of Canada or the Province of Prince Edward Island, or surety bonds issued by duly authorized companies or other forms approved by the Company.  The Company may in its discretion require specific guarantees from an Applicant or Customer whose location or load characteristics would require abnormal investment in facilities or who require Service of a special nature.

Deposit Amount

The amount of security deposit for all Applicants/Customers is two months' estimated billing as calculated by the Company.

Deposit Duration and Interest

The interest rate for a cash deposit is set at the beginning of the calendar month in which it is received.

Interest shall be calculated on the basis of prime less 1% where prime is defined as the rate on the last day of the prior month as published by the Canadian Financial Institution with whom the utility conducts its daily banking services.

Interest on all cash security deposits is compounded monthly as long as any portion of the deposit remains.

Residential, General Service and Industrial accounts are reviewed periodically and deposits will be refunded as a credit to the account for which the deposit was held if the Customer has established a satisfactory payment history.  Residental Customer deposits are reviewed twelve months after a deposit is made, General Service and Industrial Customer deposits are reviewed twenty-four months after a deposit is made.  If the customer has established a satisfactory payment history of not having the account in arrears during the review period then the security deposit is refunded otherwise an extension will be required for a further one year period.  After a one year extension, the same terms for a satisfactory payment history and refund apply.  Interest on security deposit extensions is calculated in accordance with this section.

Billing and Payments

Metering Procedures

Maritime Electric does not permit the initiation of a multiple metered account that sums two or more metering points. For all new customers, each metering point is a separate account. If an existing multiple metered premises requires a new service, re-connection or upgrade for any reason (including a change in ownership), each meter will be billed as a separate customer account.

When new buildings are constructed for services that combine a business operation and a dwelling, owners must provide for the installation of separate meters. When major alterations are made to buildings or the wiring of buildings already containing combined service, owners must provide for the installation of separate meters.

Unmetered Service

If, in the opinion of Maritime Electric, metering is not practical and usage of electricity is uniform and can be easily estimated, customers may be provided Unmetered Service. In such cases, no metering device is employed to record either the demand or energy.

The Bill

Every bill for metered service will show the last date the meter was read or estimated, the number of days in the billing period, the number of kilowatthours (and the demand, if any) and will identify the appropriate rate category.

Maritime Electric will assist customers in checking the amounts indicated on their bills when requested to do so.

Estimated Billing

An estimated bill may be issued for any billing period in which any of the following has occurred:

  • Maritime Electric has taken appropriate and reasonable measures to read a customer's meter but, due to circumstances beyond its control, is unable to read the meter; or
  • The customer has denied acceptable access to Maritime Electric's representative to read the meter.

Estimated bills are payable in all respects as if they were based on actual meter readings.

Establishment of Rate Category

The Customer will inform Maritime Electric regarding the use of the service. Based on this information, Maritime Electric then establishes the applicable rate category.

Any Customer whose use of service changes such that the Customer is subject to a different rate category will notify Maritime Electric of this change. Maritime Electric will then determine the applicable rate category and backbill or refund the Customer for any changes to the amount billed from the date of notification of the change.

Payment Terms and Late Payment Charges

All bills for service are due when rendered and are subject to a late payment charge when payments are received after the date specified on the bill. The late payment charge is calculated on the amount unpaid as of the date of the next billing. Late payment charges are not prorated.

Accounts are in arrears if there is greater than a zero balance at the date of the next billing. Late payment charges are listed in Section O - Fees and Charges, Late Payment Charges.

Metering Accuracy

If a difference of opinion arises regarding the accuracy of the metering equipment, and Maritime Electric and the customer are not able to resolve the dispute, then either Maritime Electric or the Customer may request that Measurement Canada conduct an accuracy test in accordance with the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act R.S.C. Ch. E-4. If the customer initiates the request, it will be in writing.

If the test results indicate that the meter accuracy is not within the allowable limits as set out in the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act, the customer's account will be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

If the test results indicate that meter accuracy is within allowable limits and the customer initiated the request, the customer will be charged a service call fee specified under Section O - Fees and Charges, Service Call Fees. If the test results indicate that meter accuracy is within allowable limits and Maritime Electric initiated the request, no service call fee will be charged.

Billing Errors, Rebates and Back Billing

Maritime Electric will ensure that any billing error is explained to the Customer and corrective action is taken.

If a customer has been overbilled for any reason other than Establishment of Rate Category, Maritime Electric will reimburse the difference between the amount billed and the amount the Customer should have been billed for the period during which the error occurred.  If the period during which the overbilling began cannot be reasonably confirmed, the period will be deemed to be 12 billing periods prior to the period in which the error was identified.

Customers will be compensated at the Bank Prime Lending Rate (based on the weighted average monthly prime rate). Interest is compounded monthly.

Customers underbilled as a result of their illegal acts or willful damage or interference with equipment used to record the consumption of energy, are backbilled for the full error over the time the error is deemed or determined to have existed. In all other cases, the backbilling is limited to six billing periods prior to the period in which the error was identified.

The provisions of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act R.S.C. Ch. E-4 apply in the implementation of backbilling.

The Harmonized Sales Tax (The Tax)

The Tax applies to all rates and charges in Sections N and O with the exception of Late Payment Charges in Section O.

Payment of Customer Contribution

Applicants are required to pay the full amount of the contribution in advance. Acceptable forms of payment include certified cheque, bank draft, cash, credit card or other forms approved by the Company. Municipal, Provincial or Federal Government Departments may also provide letters of intent to meet payment requirements.

Services Available to Customers

Equalized Billing


Equalized billing is available to:

  • Residential Service Customers; and
  • General Service Customers or Industrial Service Customers with less than 100 kW of maximum monthly metered demand or, if they have no demand meter, less than 25,000 kWh monthly energy use.

Items Equalized

Equalized billing payment amounts include:

  • Monthly service charges;
  • Energy charges;
  • Demand charges, as applicable;
  • Rental charges for area lights, and poles as applicable.

Items Not Equalized

Monthly bills are issued based on equalized billing payment amounts. Late payment charges, service call fees and connection charges are not included in equalized billing payment amounts, but are added to the bill for the month in which these charges are applicable.

Payment Amount

The equalized billing payment amount is calculated by multiplying the average monthly use in the preceding year by the applicable rate when the payment amount is established. If a full year of history is not available, or if the Customer has added load in the previous year, Maritime Electric estimates use and establishes payment amounts.


Accounts on equalized billing are reviewed every six months for Residential Customers and every three months for General Service and Small Industrial Customers. As a result of the review, Customers will be contacted if actual charges are expected to vary by 10% or more from their equalized amounts. Maritime Electric will, if necessary, adjust equalized billing payment amounts in consultation with the Customer.

Start and Settlement Month

Customers may request and start equalized billing at any time during the year providing the Customer's account is in a non-arrears status. Customers must pay any accumulated difference between equalized billing amounts paid and actual total charges each year in the month of the equalized billing anniversary for the Account.

Subsequent Arrangements

Following settlement, the equalized billing payment amount is revised to reflect the most recent yearly requirements and recent or expected additions to customer load and changes in Maritime Electric rates.

Removal from Equalized Billing

Customers are required to pay the equalized billing amount each month or may be removed from equalized billing.

Customer Load Control Equipment

Load control equipment, when installed, will be on the customer's side of the metering equipment.

If a customer requires use of Maritime Electric's metering equipment as input to the load control equipment, all of the following conditions must be met:

  • Installation of this equipment must be under the direction of Maritime Electric's Metering Section;
  • Metering accuracy must be maintained;
  • Customers must sign a Customer Load Control Agreement prior to the installation;
  • Customer load control equipment connections to Maritime Electric Facilities are installed, sealed, maintained and removed by Maritime Electric at the customer's expense; and
  • The customer accepts full responsibility for any failure of the load control equipment and any additional billing charges that may result from such failure.
Street and Area Lighting

Street and Area Lighting

Rental Facilities for street and area lighting include the luminaire, required brackets and mounting hardware.

Street and area lights are served overhead on existing poles.  The Customer can request Maritime Electric to supply a pole as part of the rental facilities.

All charges for facilities other than rental facilities will be borne by the Customer.

For each luminaire, Maritime Electric provides one span of secondary and necessary transformation from voltages of 25kV or less.

Poles for mounting Maritime Electric luminaires must be Maritime Electric or joint use installations.

Street and area lights are not rented to tenants of an apartment building.

If a Customer requests that a fixture be placed on a main line pole, the fixture must be located so that the light is directed only on the Customer's property.

Underground Supply

Customer facilities for underground supply to street and area lighting include the secondary facilities from the luminaire to the nearest Maritime Electric occupied pole, junction box or pad-mounted transformer.

Customers will supply, install, own and maintain their underground supply.  A sufficient length of wire must be provided at the base of Maritime Electric's supply device (e.g. padmounted transformer, pole) to allow connection to Maritime Electric facilities.

The customer will provide the necessary rights-of-way, materials, easements and perform the civil work.  Maritime Electric will install the conduit, weatherhead and all other equipment within the primary zone and make the necessary connections.

Customers requesting underground supply to street and area lighting will pay all applicable charges.  Customers requesting replacement of existing overhead supply to street and area lighting with underground supply will be responsible for all charges.

Customers who install fixtures with electrical receptacles, and who are billed on a flat rate basis, must arrange for the permission of the Company to use these receptacles and agree to payment terms as per these Regulations. Customers who use (or allow to be used) receptacles without permission, and arrangement for payment, may be required to have the fixture metered or have the receptacles removed from the fixture.

Other Applications

This street and area lighting General Rules and Regulations apply to unmetered ferry landing lights and bridge lighting if the luminaires are Maritime Electric facilities.

Provision of Service to Unmetered Customers

Outdoor Christmas Lighting

Although Maritime Electric does not install Customer owned outdoor Christmas lighting, if connections or disconnections to Maritime Electric facilities are required, the Customer will be charged the actual costs for this Service. No connection fee is charged. The minimum energy charge is for one week as specified in Section N - Rate Schedules and Rate Application Guidelines, Miscellaneous Rate Schedules.

Customers must supply Canadian Sandards Association (CSA) approved equipment and maintain it after the installation.

Miscellaneous Services

Applicants will pay all charges for extending service to unmetered and miscellaneous services. Refer to the Unmetered Rate Application Guidelines and the Miscellaneous Rate Schedules in Section N for examples of these services.

With Maritime Electric's approval, the applicant may choose metered service at the General Service Rate. Applicants will pay all charges for extending Maritime Electric's facilities to these services and are responsible for maintenance and transfer costs of the service entrance equipment.

Work on Customer Facilities

The customer may request Maritime Electric to construct, relocate, maintain or remove customer facilities. The customer is charged for this work.

Extension of Facilities - Overhead


Standard Facilities

Maritime Electric's standard distribution facilities are for front lot overhead Service.

All other types of facilities are considered Optional Facilities.

These General Rules and Regulations cover standard facilities for metered customers for front lot overhead extensions. Optional facilities are covered in Section I - Extension of Facilities - Optional Underground and Section J - Optional Facilities.

Conditions for Overhead Extension

Maritime Electric makes overhead extensions of its facilities to serve Applicants/Customers provided the following terms and conditions are met:

  • The location to be served must be within a territory where Maritime Electric provides Service;
  • The Applicant/Customer, the location to be served and the anticipated usage meet the requirements of all applicable sections of these General Rules and Regulations;
  • Rights-of-Way on Public Roads as designated by the Prince Edward Island Department of Transportation will be obtained and cleared at no cost to the Applicant/Customer. For all other Rights-of-Ways, the Applicant/Customer is responsible for supplying and clearing, as well as any costs in acquiring easements. If tree and brush clearing is performed by Maritime Electric, the Applicant/Customer is charged. These charges are nonrefundable;
  • Maritime Electric requires a written agreement relating to contributions and refunds in compliance with these General Rules and Regulations;
  • All facilities will be constructed in accordance with Maritime Electric's Engineering Distribution Standards and applicable CSA Standards and will be owned, operated and maintained by Maritime Electric.

Standard Facility Distance

For the purpose of calculating the Standard Facility Allowance, the Standard Facility Distance of the extension is the lessor of: 

  • the shortest distance over which Maritime Electric selects to build a line from the Customer's approved delivery point to the nearest Maritime Electric facility that forms part of the distribution system, consistent with sound economic and engineering practices.


  • 90 metres.

This allowance is applied as a reduction to the Construction Charge associated with the extension of standard facilities as specified below.  The Standard Facility Allowance is equal to the Standard Facility Distance multiplied by the Company's average per meter construction cost of the extension based on the type of extension, single or three phase, as specified in Section O - Fees and Charges:  Extension of Overhead Facilities Allowance and the Customer's Rate Category.

Standard Facility Allowances by Rate Category are specified as follows:

Residential (Urban, Rural and Seasonal):
Maritime Electric supplies at no charge to the Customer the Standard Facility Allowance for single-phase overhead Service and the required transformation and metering for each Customer eligible for a Residential Service Rate Category.  Delivery is at a standard service voltage and delivery point as specified in Section K - Connection of Customer Facilities.

An optional facilities charge is applied to a Residential Service Customer requesting three-phase service in accordance with Section J - Optional Facilities.

General Service and Small Industrial Rate Categories:
Maritime Electric supplies at no charge to the customer the required transformation, metering and Standard Facility Allowance for either single-phase or three-phase overhead service depending on the type of Service provided. Delivery is at a Maritime Electric standard service voltage and delivery point as defined in Section K - Connection of Customer Facilities.

Large Industrial:
For Large Industrial customers served from the transmission system refer to Section N - Large Industrial Rate Schedule.

For Large Industrial customers served from the distribution system, Maritime Electric supplies at no charge to the customer primary metering and the Standard Facility Allowance for three-phase overhead primary service.

Delivery is at a Maritime Electric standard service voltage and delivery point as defined in Section K- Connection of Customer Facilities.

Construction Charge for Extension of Overhead Facilities

This Construction Charge is for the extension of overhead facilities.

Abandoned Facilities

Maritime Electric facilities which are considered to serve no useful purpose in the foreseeable future are removed. This means the conductor, poles, transformers and all other related equipment are removed and are therefore considered abandoned.

Facilities which have been isolated but left in place are not considered abandoned. A customer contribution is required if the facilities require upgrading for the addition of a new service in order to meet engineering and safety standards.

Maritime Electric determines the suitability for use of any existing facilities.

Customer Contributions

Customer contributions for extensions of standard facilities are the sum of all Construction Charges related to the extension less the Standard Facility Allowance.

Removal of Overhead Facilities

If a customer requests that existing overhead facilities be removed, the customer pays a nonrefundable contribution to cover dismantling costs and the sacrificed life value of the assets removed.

Payments and Refunds

Refund of Customer Contribution

Customers will be entitled to a refund if additional development on the extension takes place within five (5) years from the date the contribution was paid.

Refunds are non-interest bearing and will be made either on the customer's request or by Maritime Electric automatically during the fifth year following the date the contribution was paid.

The total amount of the refund will not exceed the original refundable contribution. Any balance of the contribution that has not been refunded during this five (5) year period is retained by Maritime Electric.

If Maritime Electric utilized the extension for its own operating purposes such as a tieline during this five (5) year period, the total amount of the refundable contribution, less any previous refunds, will be returned.

In order for the customer to be eligible for any refund, a Customer Facility Contribution Refund Agreement must be signed by the customer.

Refunds are calculated as shown in Section O - Fees and Charges, Extension of Overhead Facilities; Refunds.

Basis for Refunds

The connection of a Customer (meter) from a section of line upon which a contribution has been paid will entitle the original contributing Customer to one (1) refund for each permanent Customer (meter) added.

The contributing customer will normally receive refunds at the Standard Facility Allowance rate in effect when the original contribution was paid based on the type of permanent Customer (meter) added in accordance with Section O - Fees and Charges - Extensions of Overhead Facilities Refunds.

If the original contributing Customer upgraded the line from single to three-phase service and contributed based on the addition of two-phases, and a single-phase Customer requests service from that section of facilities, then the customer who contributed to the facility is not entitled to a refund.

Extension of Transmission Facilities

Large Industrial

Maritime Electric will extend the transmission system to the customer's substation terminating structure. The customer will provide a guarantee for the total cost of the line. Guarantees may be in the form of cash, letters of credit from chartered Canadian banks or trust companies, bearer bonds guaranteed by either the Government of Canada or the Province of Prince Edward Island, or surety bonds issued by a duly authorized company.

This guarantee is reduced each year by an amount equal to 10% of the total of the previous twelve months' paid bills for power and energy. If the guarantee is not fully refunded within the first five (5) years, Maritime Electric will demand payment for the remaining amount of the guarantee.

When the guarantee is cash, the interest rate is set at the beginning of the calendar quarter in which it is received and then remains constant for as long as any part of the deposit is held. The interest rate will be the rate prevailing on five (5) year Government of Canada bonds.

Interest on all cash security deposits is compounded semi-annually as long as any portion of the deposit remains.

Extension of Facilities - Underground


Standard Facilities

Underground extensions to Maritime Electric's existing facilities are considered optional.

These General Rules and Regulations cover optional facilities for metered Customers for underground extensions. Front lot overhead and other optional facilities are covered in Section H - Extension of Facilities - Overhead and in Section J - Optional Facilities.

Customer Facilities

Underground Secondary Services are Customer facilities.

Conditions for Underground Extensions

Maritime Electric makes underground extensions of its facilities to serve Applicants/Customers provided the following terms and conditions are met:

  • The location to be served must be within a territory where Maritime Electric provides service;
  • The Applicant/Customer, the location to be served, and the anticipated usage meet the requirements of all applicable sections of these General Rules and Regulations;
  • Rights-of-Way on Public Roads as designated by the Prince Edward Island Department of Transportation will be obtained and cleared at no cost to the Applicant/Customer.  For all other Rights-of-Way, the Applicant/Customer is responsible for supplying and clearing, as well as any costs in acquiring easements.  If tree and brush clearing is performed by Maritime Electric, the Applicant/Customer is charged. These charges are nonrefundable;
  • Maritime Electric requires a written agreement relating to contributions in compliance with these General Rules and Regulations;
  • All facilities will be constructed in accordance with Maritime Electric's Standard Construction Practices, applicable CSA Standards, Provincial Laws, Municipal Bylaws and Regulations, and will be owned, operated and maintained by Maritime Electric;
  • Maritime Electric determines the location of any padmounted equipment.  The Customer is responsible for digging, sanding and backfilling of trenches and all other civil work, including necessary conduits and pads for padmounted equipment and all other non-electrical infrastructure as required by Maritime Electric's Standard Construction Practices, applicable CSA Standards, Provincial Laws, Municipal Bylaws and Regulations.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Maritime Electric reserves the right to refuse an underground extension to its facilities for reasons of safety, environmental conditions or sound engineering practice.

Underground Secondary Service

Customers will supply, install, own and maintain their Underground Secondary Service. A sufficient length of wire must be provided at the base of Maritime Electric's supply device (e.g., padmounted transformer, pole) to allow connection to Maritime Electric facilities.

Optional Underground Facilities Charge

The optional underground facilities charge recovers the difference in construction costs between what Maritime Electric normally supplies and what the Customer requests and is provided.  All charges related to optional underground facilities are non-refundable.

The optional underground facilities charge equals the total cost of the facilities less the Maritime Electric investment for the equivalent standard overhead facilities.

The Maritime Electric investment is equal to the total estimated cost of the equivalent standard overhead facilities less any Customer contributions towards those facilities.

The optional facility charge includes the incremental cost of padmounted transformation, if required. An exception is when Maritime Electric approves a transformer rated at 500 kVA or greater.

Installation, Design, Material and Inspection

Maritime Electric or its contractor installs the facilities.

Maritime Electric provides the electrical design, standard electrical installation material (primary conductor, connectors, transformation and associated protective equipment), and inspection and supervision services required to meet Maritime Electric's Standard Construction Practices, applicable CSA Standards, Provincial Laws, Municipal Bylaws and Regulations.

When complex conduit systems are specified in the design, Customers must have the installation designed by qualified designers and approved by Maritime Electric. The Customer must provide as built drawings upon completion of the work and prior to service connection.  The Customer is responsible for the cost of the design work.

Maritime Electric assumes ownership and responsibility for Customer provided equipment that meets Maritime Electric's Standard Construction Practices, applicable CSA Standards and municipal bylaws and regulations, upon final inspection and acceptance by Maritime Electric, excluding secondary services and street lighting systems.

Optional Facilities

Optional Facilities

Optional facilities are facilities required by a Customer that are different from standard distribution facilities which Maritime Electric would normally provide. Examples of optional facilities are:

  • Underground facilities covered in Section I;
  • Extension of Facilities - Optional Underground;
  • Back lot service;
  • Residential Service Customers requesting three-phase service; or
  • Choice of a route different from that selected by Maritime Electric.
Optional Facilities Charge

The optional facilities charge recovers the difference in construction costs between what Maritime Electric normally supplies and what the customer requests and is provided. All charges related to optional facilities are nonrefundable.

The optional facilities charge equals the total cost of the facilities less the Maritime Electric investment for the equivalent standard overhead facilities.

The Maritime Electric investment is equal to the total estimated cost of the equivalent standard overhead facilities less any customer contribution towards those facilities.

If a customer requests the use of materials not normally stocked by Maritime Electric, the charges for purchase, installation and maintenance must be borne by the customer; the customer must also retain ownership.

As an exception to this, Maritime Electric will contribute towards the cost of a dry type transformer an amount equal to the charge for an oil filled transformer that would normally have been supplied.

Maintenance Charge for Optional Facilities

A maintenance charge is a nonrefundable contribution determined by Maritime Electric to recover above normal operating, maintenance and replacement costs resulting from a customer's request for optional facilities. These charges are specified in Section O - Fees and Charges, Optional Facilities Charges.

Distribution facilities are normally designed and built to occupy rights-of-way that are accessible by on-road vehicles. If a customer requests facilities to be placed in any location that is not accessible from a public road by on-road vehicles, the customer pays a prepaid nonrefundable maintenance charge based on the total estimated construction charges of the section.

Nonstandard Delivery Point

Maritime Electric specifies the location of the applicant's delivery point. If an applicant requests Maritime Electric to locate the delivery point at a location other than the one specified, and this results in additional expense for Maritime Electric, the applicant is charged for such non-standard facilities. See Section O - Fees and Charges, Optional Facilities Charges.

Customer Contribution for Temporary Facilities

A temporary facilities charge is a contribution to recover costs of providing temporary facilities. This charge is to compensate Maritime Electric for the estimated construction cost of installation, charges for materials that cannot be salvaged and reused, and subsequent dismantling of these facilities. This charge is nonrefundable unless these facilities become permanent.

Examples of customers that often require Temporary Facilities are asphalt plants, construction sites, portable sawmills and short term connections for festivals, bazaars, sporting events, etc.

Customer Contribution for Facilities to Non-Fixed Premises

Non-fixed premises are usually found in recreational areas. Examples of non-fixed premises are travel trailers and motorized homes.

Maritime Electric will provide overhead service up to 27 metres from the nearest operational Maritime Electric facility that forms part of the distribution system.

All charges for the overhead extension beyond the 27 meter point will be paid by the customer in accordance with Section H - Extension of Facilities - Overhead, except the standard facility allowance will be reduced to 27 meters.

Pole mounted metering is permitted by Maritime Electric for maypoles (refer to Section K - Connection of Customer Facilities) and non-fixed premises when the following conditions are met:

  • If Maritime Electric supplies the pole, Maritime Electric will set it and charge the customer. This pole is a Maritime Electric facility. See Section O - Fees and Charges, Optional Facilities Charges.
  • The customer will install service entrance equipment in accordance with requirements as specified in the Canadian Electrical Code - Part 1 and any Provincial Amendments from an authorized Government Department or Agency of the Province of Prince Edward Island. The customer is responsible for the maintenance and transfer costs of the pole mounted service entrance equipment.
  • Maritime Electric will make the connection(s) and install the meter. Metering Equipment or conduit will not be installed on a pole with primary facilities attached, except when primary metering is being used.
  • The customer pays the nonstandard service entrance - location charge. See Section O - Fees and Charges, Optional Facilities Charges.

If a customer requests an Underground Secondary Service, the customer must meet all the requirements of Section I - Extension of Facilities - Optional Underground.

Removal of Optional Facilities

If a customer requests that existing operational facilities be removed, the customer pays a nonrefundable contribution to cover dismantling costs and the sacrificed life value of the assets removed.

Connection of Customer Facilities

Standard Service Voltages

Maritime Electric's electric service is provided in the form of alternating current at a frequency of 60 Hertz (cycles per second).

The nominal service voltages are:

Standard single-phase service:

Secondary voltage:

  • 120 volts
  • 120/240 volts

Standard three-phase service and combination single-phase and three-phase service:

Secondary voltage:

  • 120/208 volts, wye connected
  • 347/600 volts, wye connected

Primary voltage, as available:

Maritime Electric provides primary service at a variety of voltages. Customers requesting primary service should make application to the Company to determine the voltage available.

Customers desiring service at nonstandard voltages provide all the necessary facilities to convert a standard service voltage to the desired utilization voltage.

Where two or more Maritime Electric lines are available to serve the customer's load requirements, Maritime Electric will determine from which line service will be provided to the customer.

Delivery Point

Maritime Electric makes all connections to the delivery point and specifies the delivery point as being one of the following:

  • The point of connection of the customer's service entrance mast conductors to Maritime Electric's Overhead Secondary Service at the weatherhead;
  • The point of connection of the customer's Underground Secondary Service to Maritime Electric's secondary voltage system;
  • The secondary bushings of Maritime Electric's transformer;
  • The primary bushings of the customer's transformer;
  • The primary side of the customer's main disconnect switch located in the customer's electrical vault (existing customers only, not available to new customers);
  • The load side of Maritime Electric's fuse disconnect;
  • The source side of the customer's disconnect switches;
  • The source side of the customer's switchgear located at the customer's premises;
  • The load side of the primary metering unit; or
  • Any other point specified by Maritime Electric.
Service Entrance Equipment

Service entrance equipment standards are specified in the Canadian Electrical Code - Part 1 and any Provincial Amendments issued by an Authorized Government Department or Agency of the Province of Prince Edward Island.

Metering Equipment

Metering equipment is part of Maritime Electric's facilities supplied to customers.

Metering equipment, except as noted below, is installed on the low voltage side of the transformer. General Service and Small Industrial Customers are primary metered under any of the following circumstances:

  • Service entrance size exceeds 2000 amps;
  • The customer requests that the transformer be placed indoors; or
  • The customer requires a voltage that is not a Maritime Electric standard service voltage.

Large Industrial Customers are normally metered at a primary voltage of 69kV; if they are metered at a voltage below 69kV, readings are adjusted for the associated transformation losses.

Service to Multiple Buildings

Normally, Maritime Electric installs a meter for each individual building of a premises except as follows:

A group of adjacent buildings located on the same property served by one electric service is accepted by Maritime Electric as one customer for billing purposes if the buildings:

  • Are owned by the applicant; and
  • Are used for a related purpose.

The meter may be installed at either a primary or secondary voltage level. The customer must supply, install, own and maintain all primary and/or secondary facilities beyond the delivery point.

Specific applications of a maypole or primary voltage supply are specified in the following sections.

Secondary Voltage Supply/Maypole Service

The delivery point is generally at the maypole on the customer's property at a secondary voltage. The maypole, conductors from Maritime Electric facilities to the maypole, the anchor and metering equipment are Maritime Electric facilities. Maritime Electric makes all connections at the maypole.

The customer will make connection(s) to buildings, leaving a sufficient length of wire at the maypole to allow connection to Maritime Electric facilities. Customer facilities include the secondary services, attachment hardware on the load side of the delivery point, the conduit and meter socket, and all equipment on the maypole except metering equipment.

If the maypole subsequently has to be replaced, Maritime Electric must first disconnect the facilities. The customer is responsible for the maintenance and transfer costs of the pole mounted service entrance equipment.

Primary Voltage Supply

A primary voltage supply may be run by Maritime Electric to a pole or structure on the customer's property. The delivery point is the load side of the primary metering unit. Connections at the delivery point will be made by Maritime Electric.

Primary conductors and equipment up to the delivery point including the metering equipment are Maritime Electric facilities. All facilities beyond the delivery point are customer facilities.

Overhead Secondary Service or Underground Secondary Service

Maritime Electric designates the point on its facilities where the Overhead Secondary Service or Underground Secondary Service originates.

Net Metering

Net Metering is a way of allowing customers to self-supply a portion of or all of their annual electrical load from a customer-owned renewable energy generation system. The diagram below shows the relationship between the metering and the customer’s generator in a net metering installation.

  • When a customer connects a small generator to the Utility’s system, a second kWh meter is installed and only one monthly service charge is applied for the two meters. One meter measures the energy that is supplied to the utility’s system during periods when the customer’s generator is producing more electricity than is being used by the customers load (“out” meter). The other meter measures the electricity that the utility delivers to the customer during times when the customer’s loads are using more electricity than the customer’s generator is producing (“in” meter). In calculating the monthly bill, the number of kWh supplied by the customer to the utility is subtracted from the number of kWh delivered by the utility to the customer. The customer still pays the monthly service charge, even if the resulting number of kWh is zero.
  • In months when the energy produced by the customer exceeds the customer’s energy consumption the extra kilowatt hours are credited to the customer’s account for possible future use. However, the credits do not accumulate indefinitely. On October 31 of each year, or such other date as may be provided for under the Renewable Energy Act, any outstanding credits from the preceding calendar year will expire.
  • Net Metering service is available to all MECL customers who are served from the distribution system and are billed under one of the metered service rates, and who install a renewable energy generator of less than 100 kW capacity, which meets the requirements of the Renewable Energy Act. For an account to be eligible for Net Metering service, the customer’s renewable energy generator must be connected on the customer’s side of the meter. Net Metering is not applicable for un-metered services.
  • To make application, the customer must provide a written request to take the net metering service. The Renewable Energy Act refers to a “net-metering system agreement” that the customer is to fill out as being the mechanism (i.e. the application form) by which the customer requests the utility to enter into a net-metering arrangement and submit to the utility, along with drawings and other information regarding the customer’s renewable energy generation facility.
  • Customers considering a renewable energy generation facility should consult the Renewable Energy Act and Regulations. Responsibilities in setting up a Net Metering arrangement are as follows:
  • The Utility shall; 
    1. Within 30 days of receiving an application inspect the customer’s renewable energy generation facility to determine if it meets the requirements of the Renewable Energy Act.
    2. Within 70 days of receiving an application enter into a net-metering system agreement with the customer if the customer’s renewable energy generation facility meets the requirements of the Renewable Energy Act. The utility shall sign the net-metering system agreement submitted by the customer and return a copy to the customer.
    3. Within 30 days of entering (signing) into a net-metering system agreement install the appropriate meter(s) and make changes to the customer’s electricity account to put the net-metering system agreement into effect.
  • The Customer shall;
    1. Submit to the utility the completed application forms and other material as outlined in the Renewable Energy Act.
    2. Be responsible for the cost of any changes (other than metering) the utility makes to its electric system in order to accommodate the parallel operation of the customer’s renewable energy generation facility. Examples of such changes are installation of larger service conductors or distribution transformers to serve the customer’s premises or provision of a three phase supply to the customer’s premises where the existing supply is single phase.
    3. Install a lockable disconnect switch acceptable to the utility that can be used by utility personnel to isolate the customer’s renewable energy generation facility from the utility’s electric system.
    4. Equip their renewable energy generation facility with under/over frequency and under/over voltage tripping devices which will isolate the customer’s renewable energy generation facility from the utility’s electric system if the frequency or voltage on the utility’s electric system deviates beyond pre-set limits.
    5. Install their renewable energy generation facility in accordance with the latest edition of the Canadian Electrical Code and obtain the approval of the PEI Electrical Inspector for their renewable energy generation facility.
    6. Obtain liability insurance as described in the net-metering system agreement and provide a copy of the policy to the utility.

Use of Service

Service Continuity and Interruption

Maritime Electric reserves the right to interrupt the supply of electricity at any time.

Maritime Electric will make reasonable efforts to notify customers before interrupting the supply.

Maritime Electric will make every reasonable effort to restore the supply as soon as conditions permit.

Prohibition of Resale of Electricity

Electricity supplied to customers, other than to wholesale customers on Rate Schedule RSP N-16, is not to be directly resold. This does not prohibit the lease of space in a premises, at a fixed rental rate that includes electrical service.

Apportionment of Bills

With Maritime Electric's written consent, a customer may apportion the electricity bill for a multi-tenant premise. The metering equipment used must be approved by Measurement Canada and used solely for the purposes of apportioning the bills. Maritime Electric reserves the right to review metered data and the apportionment of electricity costs.

Interference with Service

The attachment to Maritime Electric's facilities of any electrical equipment or use of any connected equipment that causes undue fluctuations in voltage or that in any other way interferes with provision of safe, adequate and satisfactory service by Maritime Electric is prohibited.

If the customer uses any equipment or facility that for any reason adversely affects the quality of Maritime Electric's service to any other customer then, on notice from Maritime Electric, the customer will immediately take corrective measures as a condition of continuance of service.

Attachment to Maritime Electric Facilities

The attachment to Maritime Electric facilities, except with consent from Maritime Electric, of anything including wires, cables, radio or television antennae, light fixtures, clotheslines, signs, posters, underground services, etc., is prohibited.

If consent is requested and the attachment is acceptable to Maritime Electric, permission is given on the conditions that Maritime Electric will not be responsible for any damage to the attachment(s) and that Maritime Electric may at any time cancel this permission.

If consent is requested and the attachment is not acceptable to Maritime Electric, permission will not be given.

If Maritime Electric finds unacceptable attachments to its facilities, it will notify the persons involved to remove the attachments without unnecessary delay.  If the person fails to comply, Maritime Electric's agents will remove the attachment(s) at the person's expense without liability for any damages which may result.

Disconnection of Service


In the event that a customer has a written contract with Maritime Electric or the terms of the applicable rate category fix a term of service and period for notice of cancellation, those provisions will prevail. In the event there is no written contract for service or provision for termination of service for the customer's rate category, the customer will give at least five (5) business days' notice to Maritime Electric.

Liability for Charges

Any customer required by contract or by the terms of the rate category to give notice of termination will be liable for all charges incurred as a result of the contract.

All other customers terminating service will be liable for all applicable charges until the expiration of the five (5) day notice period or until Maritime Electric has had reasonable opportunity to take a final meter reading.

Disconnection of Service Initiated by Maritime Electric

Maritime Electric reserves the right to disconnect service for any of the following reasons:

  • The Customer does not meet one or more of Maritime Electric's requirements under Section D for the Provision of Service;
  • To make repairs or alterations.  Where reasonable and practical, the Company shall give prior notice to the Customers;
  • Undue interference with Maritime Electric's own equipment that may affect service to other customers;
  • Safety considerations including defective wiring conditions or condemned properties;
  • The Customer's refusal to grant or provide safe access by Maritime Electric personnel to Maritime Electric facilities and rental facilities for inspection, meter reading, maintenance and/or replacement of equipment;
  • At the request of an authorized Government Department or Agency, Police Authority or Fire Authority;
  • On account of or to prevent fraud, abuse or misappropriation of Service including misrepresentation of identify for the purpose of obtaining utility Service;
  • Failure to pay a security deposit as required;
  • Non-payment of a delinquent account. The Company reserves the right to use a load-limiting device that will limit the flow of incoming electricity to provide for only minimal load as an alternative to disconnection. The decision to use a load-limiting device, and its duration of use, are at the discretion of the Company, recognizing that if a delinquent account regains a non-arrears status full load will be reinstated; or 
  • When a person who has not become a Customer of Maritime Electric is in receipt of electricity.
Reconnection of Service

Services will only be reconnected when the Customer is in compliance with all applicable requirements in these rules and regulations.

Services disconnected for nonpayment will only be reconnected when satisfactory payment and deposit arrangements are made.

A security deposit or additional security deposit as outlined in Section E - Security Deposits may be collected as a condition of reconnection of Service.

A Service call fee will be charged as outlined in Section O - Fees and Charges, Service Call Fees.

Any account disconnected for nonpayment cannot be reconnected in the name of another member of the household unless satisfactory payment has been received and security deposit arrangements have been made.

Customer Damages from Loss of Service
  • Maritime Electric shall not be responsible for any damage (direct or consequential), loss prescribed liability that a customer may sustain by reason of disconnection or interruption of service or deviation from the prescribed limits applicable to voltage, frequency and other electrical characteristics whether scheduled or unscheduled unless caused by the negligence of Maritime Electric.
  • Interruptions of service shall not relieve the customer from any charge for power and energy supplied and delivered to the customer.

Rate Schedules and Rate Application Guidelines

Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism


The following energy cost adjustment mechanism applies to all scheduled rates applicable to the sale of energy by Maritime Electric Company, Limited.

Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism
The energy charge applicable under all applicable rates will be subject to a rate adjustment when the cost of purchased and produced electricity increases or decreases from the base cost.

The forecast Base Rate Cost for purchased and produced electricity is $0.09244/kWh and may be adjusted as Ordered by the Commission.

Deferral of Increases or Decreases from the Base Cost

The deferral of increases or decreases in purchased and produced electricity from the Base Cost shall be calculated at the end of each month as follows:

  1. Determine the total cost of purchasing and producing electricity in the month including any amounts amortized to ECAM as Ordered by the Commission;
  2. Determine the net kilowatt hours of purchased and produced energy in the month;
  3. Multiply the quantity of net purchased and produced energy determined in (2) above by the forecast Base Rate Cost of $0.09244/kWh to determine the base cost of electricity;
  4. Subtractthe base cost of energy determined in (3) above from the total cost of purchasing and producing electricity determined in (1) above to calculate the excess or deficiency of the cost of purchased or produced electricity from the base costs;
  5. Add the excess (or deficiency) of the cost of purchased or produced energy calculated in (4) above to the corresponding excess (deficiency) costs on the Balance Sheet.

Calculation of ECAM Rate Adjustment Applied to Customers' Bills

  1. Determine the total of the excess (or deficiency) costs on the Balance Sheet at the end of the third month proceeding the month in which the ECAM rate will be applied.
  2. Determine the forecast total kilowatt hour sales for the twelve month period commencing with the month in which the ECAM rate will be applied.
  3. Divide the amount calculated in (6) above by the amount calculated in (7) above to determine the ECAM rate adjustment required in cents per kilowatt hour sold and which will be applied to Customers; bills.  Rate adjustment shall be calculated to the nearest three decimal places (five decimal places on the dollar).

*  Application of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism is subject to the terms and provisions of the Electric Power Act.

Residential Service Rate Schedule

Residential Urban

That category of residential customers located in all incorporated cities, towns and villages with population over 2000 served by Maritime Electric.

Rate (Code 110)

Service Charge:

$24.57 per Billing Period

Energy Charge:

15.32¢ per kWh for first 2000 kWh per Billing Period

12.28¢ per kWh for balance kWh per Billing Period

Residential Rural

That category of residential customers located in all other areas not included under Residential Urban category served by Maritime Electric.

Rate (Code 130)

Service Charge:

$26.92 per Billing Period

Energy Charge:

15.32¢ per kWh for first 2000 kWh per Billing Period

12.28¢ per kWh for balance kWh per Billing Period

Residential Seasonal

That category of Residential Customers who require service to a dwelling other than a principal residence (e.g., summer cottages).

Rate (Code 131)

Service Charge:

$26.92 per Billing Period

Energy Charge:

15.32¢ per kWh for first 2000 kWh per Billing Period

12.28¢ per kWh for balance kWh per Billing Period

Residential Seasonal Option

Residential seasonal customers with fully accessible outside meters may remain connected year round provided that the energy used during the period 1 November to 31 May inclusive does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total energy used between 1 June and 31 October of the preceding year. Residential Seasonal customers whose 1 November to 31 May consumption exceeds this fifty percent (50%) shall be billed under the applicable residential service rate for the periods connected. Meters shall be read or estimated and bills shall be rendered for May, June, July, August, September and October.

Rate (Code 133)

Service Charge:

$37.50 per Billing Period

Energy Charge:

15.32¢ per kWh for first 2000 kWh per Billing Period

12.28¢ per kWh for balance kWh per Billing Period

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Residential Service Rate Application Guidelines

Urban and Rural

Customers who use electricity for living purposes in any of the following:

  • Dwellings;
  • Dwelling out buildings; and
  • Individually metered, self contained dwelling units within an apartment building.

In addition, the Residential Rate applies to:

  • Services to farms and churches; and
  • Service for the construction phase of a dwelling.

A premises providing lodging with nine (9) beds or less, including boarding and rooming houses, special care establishments, senior citizen homes, nursing homes, hostels and transition homes.

The combined usage of a dwelling and a business operation measured by one meter, where the connected load of the business operation, excluding space heating and air conditioning, is two (2) kilowatts or less.


Customers who use electricity for living purposes in a dwelling other than the customer's principal residence; e.g., summer cottage.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the electric Power Act.

General Service Rate Schedules

General Service

That category of customers in all areas served by Maritime Electric who use electricity for purposes other than those specifically covered under Residential, Small and Large Industrial, Street Lighting or Unmetered Categories.

Billing Demand

The greater of the maximum kW demand or 90% of the maximum kVA demand in the billing period.

Rate (Code 232):

Service Charge:

$24.57 per Billing Period

Demand Charge:

No charge for first 20 kW or less per Billing Period

$13.43 per kW for balance kW per Billing Period

Energy Charge:

18.71¢ per kWh for first 5000 kWh per Billing Period

12.41¢ per kWh for balance kWh per Billing Period

General Service - Seasonal Operators Option

General Service seasonal operators with fully accessible outside meters may remain connected year round provided that the energy used during the period 1 November to 31 May inclusive does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total energy used between 1 June and 31 October of the preceding year. General Service seasonal operators whose 1 November to 31 May consumption exceeds this fifty percent (50%) shall be billed under the applicable General Service rate for the periods connected. Meters shall be read or estimated and bills shall be rendered for May, June, July, August, September and October.

Rate (Code 233):

Service Charge:

$24.57 per Billing Period

Demand Charge:

No charge for first 20 kW or less per Billing Period

$13.43 per kW for balance kW per Billing Period

Energy Charge:

18.71¢ per kWh for first 5000 kWh per Billing Period

12.41¢ per kWh for balance kWh per Billing Period

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

General Service II

Rate Class closed effective March 1, 2016

General Service Rate Application Guidelines

General Service

General Service rate applications include the following:

  • Religious and charitable institutions, excluding churches;
  • Service for the construction phase of any premises other than a dwelling;
  • Dwellings providing lodging with more than nine (9) beds, including boarding and rooming houses, special care establishments, senior citizen homes, nursing homes, hostels and transition homes;
  • Combined usage of a dwelling and a business operation measured by one meter, where the connected load of the business operation, excluding space heating and air conditioning, is greater than two (2) kilowatts;
  • Bulk metered apartment buildings that combine the service to the dwelling units and/or the common use areas;
  • Service to common areas in apartment buildings;
  • Any business operation involving both manufacturing/processing and service/repair on which less than one half of the business volume is manufacturing/processing;
  • Warehousing, storage and distribution centres on the same property and forming part of a manufacturing or processing operation with one meter where the warehousing, storage and distribution load is greater than one half of the total electricity consumed;
  • A retail or wholesale operation on a farm must install a separate meter to measure that retail/wholesale load;
  • Water pumping, sewage lift stations, sewage lagoons, chlorinating plants and sewage treatment plants directly related to municipally owned water supplies or waste disposal systems are normally billed at General Service Rates. At the option of the customer, an Industrial Service Rate may be applied; and
  • General Service seasonal operators with fully accessible outside meters may remain connected year round provided that the energy used during the period 1 November to 31 May inclusive does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total energy used between 1 June and 31 October of the preceding year. Examples of eligible facilities include seasonal tourist accommodations, attractions or eateries.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Small Industrial Rate Schedule

Small Industrial

That category of customers who use electricity chiefly for manufacturing or processing of goods or for the extraction of raw materials and have a minimum contracted demand of five (5) kilowatts.

Billing Demand: The greatest of:

  • The monthly maximum kW demand;
  • 90% of the monthly maximum kVA demand; or
  • 5 kW.

As a result of installed metering, both the monthly maximum kW demand and 90% of the monthly maximum kVA demand noted above may not apply.

Rate (Code 320):

Demand Charge:

$7.46 per kW of billing demand per month

Energy Charge:

18.34¢ per kWh for first 100 kWh per kW of billing demand per month

9.50¢ per kWh for balance of kWh per month

To be eligible for service with a contracted demand, customers must sign the Contract for Electrical Service under Section C - Agreements and Forms.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Small Industrial Rate Application Guidelines

Industrial Rates apply to the following S.I.C. groups:

Division C Major group:

04 Logging Industry

Division D Major groups:

06 Mining Industries
07 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries
08 Quarry and Sand Pit Industries
09 Service Industries Incidental to Mineral Extraction

Division E Manufacturing Industries.

In addition:

Fish hatcheries qualify for this rate.

Any business operation involving both manufacturing/processing and service/repair in which more than one half of the business volume is manufacturing/processing.

Warehousing, storage and distribution centres on the same property and forming part of a manufacturing or processing operation with one (1) meter where the manufacturing/processing load is greater than one half of the total electricity consumed.

A processing operation on a farm must install a separate meter to measure that processing load.

Customers whose demand is above 750 kW and less than 3000 kW may choose to be billed at the Small Industrial Rate but must meet certain conditions of the Large Industrial Rate; specifically, they must be metered at a primary voltage of 69 kV and own the step-down transformation from the primary service voltage or pay an equivalent rental charge.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Large Industrial Rate Schedule

Large Industrial

That category of customers in all areas served by Maritime Electric who use electricity chiefly for manufacturing or processing of goods or for the extraction of raw materials and have a minimum contracted demand of 750 kW.

Billing Demand: The greatest of:

  • The monthly maximum kW demand;
  • 90% of the maximum kVA demand;
  • 90% of the firm amount reserved in the contract for non-curtailable customers or 100% of the total contracted amount for curtailable customers;
  • 90% of the maximum demand recorded during the current calendar year excluding April through November; or
  • 90% of the lesser of the average demand recorded during the previous calendar year, or the previous calendar year excluding April through November.

Rates (Code 310):

Demand Charge:

$14.50 per kW of the billing demand per month

Energy Charge:

7.80¢ per kWh for all kWh per month

Rental Charges

- Primary distribution voltage to customer's utilization voltage
At the Customer's request, Maritime Electric will supply, own and maintain the substation equipment at the Customer's premises, including from the primary distribution voltage switches to the low voltage terminals of the step-down transformers, provided such transformation satisfies Maritime Electric Standards. The charge for such rental equipment is 1 5/6% per month of the installed costs. The Customer will supply the low voltage switch gear, concrete substation foundation pads and necessary protective fencing.

Losses Charge

- 69 kV to primary distribution voltage
At the discretion of Maritime Electric, electricity may be supplied at a primary distribution voltage between 4 kV and 25 kV. In such cases, the monthly demand and energy consumption will be increased by 1 1/2% to compensate for transformation losses.

- Primary distribution voltage to Customer's utilization voltage
At the discretion of Maritime Electric, electricity may be supplied at the Customer's utilization voltage. In such cases, the monthly demand and energy consumption will be increased by 1 1/2% to compensate for transformation losses. This charge will be in addition to the losses charge for transformation from 69 kV to the primary distribution voltage.

Transformation Charge

- 69 kV to primary distribution voltage
When a Customer is provided service at a primary distribution voltage between 4 kV and 25 kV, the customer will also be charged an "equivalent kVA rental" charge equal to 1 5/6% per month of the costs of the equivalent substation kVA utilized by the Customer's electrical load. The equivalent kVA charge is the Customer's kVA demand multiplied by $1.25 per kVA per month.


A Customer supplied at the Large Industrial Rate is required, and is deemed, to have entered a firm contract providing for the payment of the rate, for an initial term of five (5) years, in the case of a Customer considered by Maritime Electric to be a new Customer, and for an initial term of one year for a Customer considered by Maritime Electric to be an existing Customer. The contract will continue thereafter on a firm basis subject to termination by either the Customer or Maritime Electric at the end of the initial term, or any date thereafter by either party giving at least twelve month's notice in writing.


The metering point shall be at or near the transmission line terminals (69 kV).

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Large Industrial Rate Application Guidelines

Industrial Rates apply to the following S.I.C. groups:

Division C Major group:

04 Logging Industry

Division D Major groups:

06 Mining Industries
07 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries
08 Quarry and Sand Pit Industries
09 Service Industries Incidental to Mineral Extraction

Division E Manufacturing Industries.

In addition:

Any business operation involving both manufacturing/processing and service/repair in which more than one half of the business volume is manufacturing/processing.

Warehousing, storage and distribution centres on the same property and forming part of a manufacturing or processing operation with one (1) meter where the manufacturing/processing load is greater than one half of the total load.

Customers whose demand is above 750 kW and less than 3000 kW may choose to be billed at the Small Industrial Rate but must meet certain conditions of the Large Industrial Rate; specifically, they must be metered at a primary voltage of 69 kV and own the step-down transformation from the primary service voltage or pay an equivalent rental charge.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Wholesale Rate Schedule


The City of Summerside Electric Department.

Long Term Contract:

The Wholesale Customer agrees to enter into a contract with Maritime Electric for a period not less than 10 years.

Rate (Code 340):

Demand Charge:

$15.51 per kW per month

Energy Charge:

10.44¢ per kWh for all kWh per month

Short Term Contract:

The Wholesale Customer agrees to enter into a contract with Maritime Electric for a period not less than 1 year.

Rate (Code 330):

Demand Charge:

$16.79 per kW per month

Energy Charge:

10.36¢ per kWh for all kWh in the first block per month

8.69¢ per kWh for balance of kWh in the month

First Energy Block Determination

Set each year on 1 April based on the minimum monthly energy purchases that would have been required from Maritime Electric during the previous year period of 1 April to 31 March, assuming normalized generation from the customer's generating facilities.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Unmetered Rate Schedules

Unmetered Service

That category of customers in all areas served by Maritime Electric requiring Unmetered Service.


Minimum Charge:

$11.67 per month

Energy Charge:

18.30¢ per kWh of estimated consumption

Rate Codes:

810 – 8 hour

820 – 12 hour

830 – 24 hour

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Unmetered Rate Application Guidelines

Services for which electricity consumption is uniform and easily estimated.

Services where metering is not considered practical by Maritime Electric.

Specific applications of the Unmetered Rates include:

  • Traffic control lights;
  • Self - contained sign lighting;
  • Architectural flood lighting;
  • Decorative lighting;
  • Carrier repeaters;
  • Radio transmitters;
  • Telephone booths;
  • Range lights;
  • Airport runway lights;
  • Highway traffic counters; and
  • CATV power supply units.

Estimating Consumption

Electricity consumption is estimated by multiplying the connected load in watts times the hours of usage. For example, a photoelectrically controlled 100 watt sign light operates approximately 12 hours per day, has an estimated annual consumption calculated as follows:

100 watts x 12 hours x 365 days = 438,000 watt-hours or 438 kWh per year.

If conditions are such as to cause reasonable doubt concerning the connected load, recording equipment will be installed to determine the kW connected load.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Miscellaneous Rate Schedules

Air Raid and Fire Sirens (unmetered)

Customer is charged $4.52 per month per HP of nameplate rating. (Code 840)

Outdoor Christmas Lighting

Customer is charged 5.77¢ per watt of connected load per week. The minimum charge is for a period of one (1) week. (Code 850)

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Short Term Unmetered Rate Schedule

That category of customers in all areas served by Maritime Electric requiring single-phase and three-phase installations and connected for no longer than one (1) month. The installation will not be metered.


Connection Charge: Single-Phase Three-Phase

A. Connecting to existing secondary voltage

$ 99.08

$ 99.08

B. Where transformer installations are required, the following connection charges will apply:

(1) Up to and including 10 kVA $148.87 $209.17
(2) 11 kVA to 15 kVA $240.79 $301.01
(3) 16 kVA to 25 kVA $269.20 $336.64
(4) 26 kVA to 37 kVA $301.01 $336.64
(5) 38 kVA to 50 kVA $336.64 $336.64
(6) 51 kVA to 75 kVA $369.58 $523.96
(7) 76 kVA to 125 kVA $431.07 $555.59
(8) Above 125 kVA - $594.94

Energy Charge:

18.30¢ per kWh of estimated consumption

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Short Term Unmetered Rate Application Guidelines

Available to serve such events as carnivals, bazaars and unmetered installations.

Connected for no longer than one (1) month.

When the service exceeds one month, the installation will be billed and the remaining time considered as a new installation.

When meters are involved, and not disconnected, a reading will be taken and the kilowatt hours noted for record purposes only.

When poles or additional equipment other than the transformer installation are required, the installation and removal charges will be estimated and collected before work commences. Customers who have a credit history, acceptable to Maritime Electric, may be billed using a Customers Contribution Estimate.

Estimating Consumption

Electricity consumption is estimated by multiplying the connected load in kW (or kVA times 0.9), times the hours of usage. For example, a carnival with a connected load of 25 kVA operates 12 hours per day for 10 days has an estimated consumption calculated as follows:

25 kVA x 0.9 power factor x 12 hours x 10 days = 2,700 kWh.

If conditions are such as to cause reasonable doubt concerning the connected load, recording equipment will be installed to determine the kVA connected load.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Rental Facility Rate Schedules

Street and Area Lighting

This rate applies to Customers renting area lighting from Maritime Electric for a minimum of 12 consecutive months.


Lamp Wattage Mean Output Annual (Lumens) $ Rate Per Month Rate Code Annual kWhs
LED Lighting
70 Watt HPS Equivalent St Lights - 12.49 619  
100 Watt HPS Equivalent St Lights - 12.93 625  
175 Watt MV Equivalent St Lights - 14.41 666  
*100 Watt - 16.78 670 410
150 Watt/200 Watt HPS Equivalent St Lights - 15.61 675  
Mercury Vapour
125 Watt* 5300 16.50 635/735 656
High Pressure Sodium
70 Watt Lantern 5500 60.56 639 389
70 Watt* 5500 16.57 630/730 389
100 Watt* 8500 21.06 631/731 553
150 Watt* 14400 30.12 632/732 799
250 Watt 27000 41.02 633/733 1283
400 Watt 45000 48.10 634/734 1886
High Pressure Sodium Floodlight
250 Watt - 39.16 753 -
400 Watt - 48.84 754 -
Metal Halide Floodlight
250 Watt - 41.17 755 -
400 Watt - 50.83 756 -
1000 Watt - 87.62 757 -

* These charges are applicable to existing fixtures only.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.


That category of Customers renting poles from Maritime Electric.


The rental rate for poles is:


$ Rate Per Month

Rate Code

Wood pole



Customer Facility Rate Schedule

Customer Owned Street and Area Lighting

That category of customers owning street and area lighting.


Lamp Wattage $ Per Month Rate Code Street Light Rate Code Yard Light Annual kWhs
Low Pressure Sodium
180 Watt 13.63 749 749 869
High Pressure Sodium
70 Watt 6.59 640* 740* 389
100 Watt 8.70 641* 741* 553
150 Watt 11.70 642* 742 779
250 Watt 18.56 643 743 1283
400 Watt 29.22 644 744 1886
Metal Halide Lighting
100 Watt 8.14 - 759 533
150 Watt 11.58 - 765 759
175 Watt 13.67 - 760 894
250 Watt 17.53 - 761 1148
400 Watt 28.67 - 762 1878
LED Lighting
19 Watt 1.19 651 - 78
60 Watt 3.75 652 - 246
50 Watt 3.13 653 205
43 Watt 2.69 719 - 176
72 Watt 4.50 766 - 295
100 Watt 6.26 764 - 410
107 Watt 6.69 775 - 438
143 Watt 8.95 780 - 586
175 Watt 10.94 785 - 718

*  These charges are applicable to existing fixtures only.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

The above charges apply to photocontrolled lights operating from dusk to dawn. The energy charges for lights operating from dusk to 1:30 a.m. and controlled by a time switch shall be 50% of the above rates.

Customer Owned Street and Area Lighting

Customers may request service for a Customer owned street and area lighting fixture other than those categories listed above provided the fixture meets current electrical standards and is approved for installation by Maritime Electric.  Installation of fixtures not approved by Maritime Electric may result in additional charges and may be required to be metered.

The interim rate for these new fixtures will be calculated using the formula below, as approved by IRAC.

Basic Rate =

4,100 hrs x W/1000 x U
12 months


4,100 hours = the number of hours the fixture is on during the year.

W = total wattage of the fixture, ballast and any other apparatus associated with the fixture.

U = the basic Un-metered Service energy rate from Section N-17 of the approved tariff.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Customer Owned Outdoor Recreational Lighting

That category of Customer owning metered outdoor lighting which operates only during the period April through November.

Rate: (Code 234)

Service Charge:

$24.57 per Billing Period

Energy Charge:

18.30¢ per kWh for first 5000 kWh per Billing Period

11.39¢ per kWh for balance kWh per Billing Period

The above rate is available to Customers with outdoor recreation lighting. Examples of Customers on this rate include: baseball parks, soccer fields and tennis courts. Customers who have non-lighting requirements on the same service can also qualify for this rate if the connected non-lighting load is less than 20 kilowatts.

Customers on this rate who use electricity during December through March will be assessed demand charges for each month, including the preceding April through November, in which electricity is used. The demand charges will be assessed at the General Service I Rate. Failure to pay demand charges will result in the Customer being placed on the General Service I Rate.

This rate is inclusive of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism and other rates and tolls approved by the Commission and/or as authorized under the Electric Power Act.

Open Access Transmission Tariff

This rate applies to eligible customers requiring transmission services.  An eligible customer is:

(i) any electric utility (including the transmission provider), wholesale customer or any person generating electric energy for sale or resale outside of Prince Edward Island.


Eligible customers requesting transmission services must apply in writing and request services for a minimum 12 month period.

Transmission Services Include:

Transmission Access and Capacity
Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control

Billing Procedure

Within a reasonable time after the first day of each month, the transmission provider or its designated agent shall submit an invoice to the transmission customer for the charges for all services furnished under the Tariff during the preceding month.  The invoice shall be paid by the transmission customer within 20 calendar days of receipt.  All payments shall be made in immediately available funds payable to the transmission provider.

Rate (Code XXX)

The rates charged will be equal to 95% of those under the New Brunswick Power Tariff as amended from time to time.

Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism

This rate is not subject to the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism.

Schedule of Adjusted Rates (.PDF)

Schedule of Adjusted Rates

Fees and Charges

Service Call Fee

A service call fee of $42.44 is applicable to the following services:

Change from temporary to permanent service.

Reconnection of service, including reconnection for accounts disconnected for nonpayment, installations where services have been upgraded, connections that do not require installation of a secondary service, and connection of services that require a meter reading only.

If the meter is removed for testing at the Customer's request and the test results indicate the meter accuracy is within the allowable limits.

Each addition or modification to an existing unmetered account.

A service call fee is not applicable to the following services:

Reconnection of service disconnected as a result of fire or other casualty or any incident not the fault of the Customer.

Initial installation of street or area lights.

Additions to street lighting or traffic control light Accounts.

Disconnection of Service.

Service to a premises to facilitate changes of a minor nature such as meter removal for replacement of siding.


Connection and Reconnection Fees

A connection fee of $75.08 is charged for all initial service connections including metered temporary facilities.

For multiple metered installations, e.g., apartment buildings, the $75.08 fee applies to the service for the common area.

If there is no separate service for the common area, this charge applies to the first service connected.

The remainder of the initial connections in multiple metered premises will be charged the service call fee and not the connection fee.

Connection of a mobile home to Maritime Electric facilities that requires installation of an Overhead Secondary Service is considered to be an initial installation.

A seasonal reconnection fee of $89.90 is applicable to the reconnection of an existing seasonal service to Maritime Electric facilities if the reconnection is for the same occupants of the premises.

After Hours Fee

If a customer requests service outside Maritime Electric's normal working hours, an after hours fee will be charged in addition to the connection or service call fee.

The after hours fee is $61.67 for jobs requiring two (2) person hours or less, including travel. For jobs requiring more than two (2) person hours, the after hours fee is set at Maritime Electric's incremental cost of providing the service.

Non Sufficient Funds Charge

The charge for non sufficient funds is $16.50. If two non-sufficient funds are incurred within a twelve month period, the customer is suspended for one year in the use of personal cheques, unless certified.

Late Payment Charge

The late payment charge for all customers is 1.65% per month (effective annual rate 21.70% per annum or 0.05382% compounded daily rate).

The minimum late payment charge is 55¢. If an account is less than $4.00 in arrears, no late payment charge is applied.

Extension of Overhead Facilities - Standard Facility Allowance

In calculating the Standard Facility Allowance to be applied as a reduction to the Construction Charge associated with the extension of standard facilities, Maritime Electric shall use the average per meter construction costs of the extension, as filed with IRAC from time to time, based on the Company's costs to construct each type of extension.  The average per meter construction costs for single-phase or three phase extensions shall be calculated based on the estimated material, labour and other costs required to construct a standard 90 meter line extension divided by 90 meters.

The average per meter construction cost rates are as follows:


$ Per Meter





Extension of Overhead Facilities Refunds

Type of Original Contribution:

Type of New Account Connected



90 meters times the single-phase Standard Facility Allowance rate in effect at the time the original contribution was calculated.


90 meters times the three-phase Standard Facility Allowance rate in effect at the time the original contribution was calculated.

Optional Facilities Charges

Maintenance Charge for Optional Facilities:

16.5% of the total estimated construction cost of the optional facilities.


Disputes Between Maritime Electric and a Customer With Respect to General Rules and Regulations

If any dispute arises between Maritime Electric and a customer over the interpretation or application of any of these General Rules and Regulations that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, either party may refer the matter to the Commission for decision and the Commission may, notwithstanding anything contained in these General Rules and Regulations, make such decision as it may deem appropriate.